Recording and presentation slides of the Transgender Cultural Competency webinar that took place on July 20, 2011
This webinar is hosted by Capacity for Health (C4H), in partnership with C4H’s subcontractor, Life Foundation in Honolulu, and is an interactive knowledge and skill building presentation designed to increase the cultural competency of service providers who work with Native Hawaiian, Asian and Pacific Islander Transgender Culture.
Topics addressed are:
* The culture of the transgender community in Hawaii (Western vs. Cultural)
* Slang and terminology
* Cosmetic procedures done to enhance the appearance and confidence of the client
* Best practices and provider tips to programs addressing the needs of the Native Hawaiian, Asian and Pacific Islander Transgender Communities
By the end of this webinar, participants will have:
* Increased knowledge around the social structures and culture of the Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AA, NH and PI) Transgender community
* Increased knowledge and understanding around slang/terminology used by the AA, NH and PI transgender community
* Increased knowledge of appropriate referrals for the AA, NH and PI transgender community
* Increased skills in providing culturally relevant counseling for AA, NH and PI transgender clients

* Gained confidence to provide culturally appropriate services and referrals for AA, NH and PI transgender clients

C4H is the capacity building project of the Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum.