
Immigration Reform Without Health Care = A Risky Proposition

Fact Sheet

Immigration reform and access to health care cannot be a zero sum game. The economic and human toll is too great. To have a more sustainable and prosperous future, America’s health care system must work for everyone, regardless of immigration status. Our nation is stronger and healthier when everyone has access to affordable health care…


Comparing Presidential Health Platforms

Fact Sheet

The Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum (APIAHF) influences policy, mobilizes communities, and strengthens programs and organizations to improve the health of Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders. We believe in health justice and work with community advocates, public health leaders and policymakers to generate policy and systems changes that benefit our communities…


Health Care Reform and Pacific Islanders: Increasing Access and Quality


This webinar focused on expanded access to coverage, health disparities, and funding opportunities for community-based organizations under health care reform. APIAHF Policy Analyst Paulo Pontemayor discussed the health insurance exchanges and health care provisions that will help reduce health disparities among Pacific Islanders. Don Novo, Medicaid Program Branch Manager, and Tom Schenck, Region IX Pacific…