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#ACATurns3 Twitter Storm


Successes, Reflections, and Challenges in Achieving #HealthJustice for our Communities Friday, March 22, 2013 at 11:00 a.m. EDT | Use Hashtag: #ACATurns3 #HealthJustice The Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum (APIAHF) along with the National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health, National Women’s Law Center, California Family Health Council, National Women’s Health Network, Center for…


Immigration Reform Without Health Care = A Risky Proposition

Fact Sheet

Immigration reform and access to health care cannot be a zero sum game. The economic and human toll is too great. To have a more sustainable and prosperous future, America’s health care system must work for everyone, regardless of immigration status. Our nation is stronger and healthier when everyone has access to affordable health care…

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Get Active Now Worksheet


Need a little guidance on how you can plan out your ACA events? Download this worksheet as a simple guide to planning your next community forum, town hall, webinar, or potluck.

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ACA and Language Access Postcard Templates


How to Use the Postcards We’ve provided post card templates and sample taglines that you can use to create your own post cards. Use the post cards at your next health reform education event or any of the event suggestions discussed in this toolkit. The cards include taglines that people can translate into their native…

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Health Insurance Marketplace One-Pager Template

Fact Sheet

Do you want to educate your community about the Health Insurance Marketplace? Here’s a one-page template about the Health Insurance Marketplace that you can customize for your own organization. To customize this one-pager, download the word document and include your logo at the top of the page. Then, disseminate the one-pager to your community partners,…


Make “Opportunity for All” a Reality

Fact Sheet

America cannot live up to her commitment of opportunity for all unless we tackle our immigration system in a way that makes sense, promotes responsibility, brings families together and advances the nation’s health and security. Access to health care is a critical part of this equation. New reforms should expand and protect access to health…


Comparing Presidential Health Platforms

Fact Sheet

The Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum (APIAHF) influences policy, mobilizes communities, and strengthens programs and organizations to improve the health of Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders. We believe in health justice and work with community advocates, public health leaders and policymakers to generate policy and systems changes that benefit our communities…


Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and the Asian and Pacific Islander Community FAQ

Fact Sheet

On June 15, 2012, the Obama Administration announced a new initiative, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), allowing certain undocumented youth to qualify for “deferred action” status. Although this status does not provide a path to lawful permanent residency, it does grant a temporary suspension of deportation proceedings and enables grantees to gain work authorization.


The Affordable Care Act: Medicaid Expansion and the Health Insurance Exchange in our States


This map represents the states where AIM for Equity partners are located and highlights their progress toward implementing the Affordable Care Act’s significant components—the Medicaid Program Expansions and the Health Insurance Exchanges. While these two health policy changes represent an important way for Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders (AAs & NHPIs) to access…